Sunday 26 February 2012


I only worked 50 hours this week and got no sewing done! I did get everything moved into my new office/sewing room. That was a lot of stairs for me to do. I counted trips and stairs and I could have climbed the CN tower in Toronto! It probably would have been easier as I wouldn't have had armfuls or laundry baskets full of stuff. My husband is adding four shelves for me this week. We also decided how to make a great cutting table. Pictures to follow in a week or so, when it is ready. The same with a design wall I am planning.

How about a wall hanging that doubles as a toy? I came up with the idea myself. I had purchased twenty sun print squares. I framed them then finished them (birthing, not binding and then quilted) and sewed buttons and elastic loops to go over the buttons to hold the squares together. Then I got a curtain rod (adjustable, so I can make it wider when I want to) with rings with little clothes pin sort of clips to hang it from. If you try this use proper quarter inch elastic. A friend tried it using black ponytail holders, but with the weight of the squares, they are starting to stretch out too much. She is going to have to replace them with the regular elastic.

Now a close-up to see how it goes together.

I did say toy and I meant it. Our oldest grandson loves taking it down and mixing up the way it is put together. Even my husband gets into the act.

How about this?

Or this?

Here is my personal favourite!

One last one that I cheated on. To get the lower squares to hang straight, I had to use some invisible thread to tie them to the top part.

It really is fun to play with! I just realized that I still have over an hour before bedtime, and this blog has again inspired me to get busy, so it is back to basting my rail fence quilt. Hope you have a good week and that we all get lots done!

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