Sunday 25 March 2012

New Challenge

It was a busy week at work, without time to do much sewing. I did take time to relax and went to my guild meeting Wednesday evening. We had been instructed to bring a metre of ugly fabric with us. We passed it around to music and when the music stopped, cut the piece in half. We kept half and then passed the other half around until the music stopped again. We kept cutting and passing until we were down to piece about 2" x 3". I am now the proud owner of eight ugly pieces of fabric.

Now for the challenge! Turn the ugly into something beautiful and bring it to the meeting in May. I have two months to work on this, but since I am always up for a challenge, I started pulling fabric out of my stash Friday night. To get into the whole thing, I convinced myself that these fabrics were not ugly, only unloved. I found lots of things in my stash, but what to do with them all? Since I was already way outside my comfort zone, just working with these unloved pieces, I decided to go even further. There is a block that keeps appearing on the Exuberant Color blog called "Crooked Cobblestones" that I was interested in. It is even further outside my comfort zone, but who cares. In for a penny, in for a pound!

These aren't as crooked as Wanda, on Exhuberant Color, does but for my first real trip outside the box, it will do. Now I just have to get them sewn together, quilted and bound. It was a fun trip!

Have a good week!

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