Monday 2 January 2012

Too severe?

I put my squares on the family room floor and think an all black, white & red quilt is too severe.
Maybe I should mix in a little blue to soften it? It happens to be a favorite colour of the person the quilt is for.
Just noticed the top left hand square is upsidedown. I need to make some more blocks to get greater varity in my layout. Back to my sewing machine! Did I mention that I am making this quilt on my 1947 Singer Featherweight? Sam mentioned to me that it is not good to have a machine sitting not in use for a long time. I realized that I hadn't had my Featherweight out for about a year, so out it came. I oiled it up and away I went. Now I remember why I love it so much!
I am told that some of the parts were made before 1940, as after that the plates were more plain. Here is a photo of mine.

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